April 1, 2021 – Scottsdale, AZ
Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial, Inc. (“TB2”) announced a 2021 Aviation Scholarship has been awarded to Kobe Lomasney, a Chandler-Gilbert Community College (a Maricopa Community College) student earning an Associate Degree in Applied Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology. TB2 is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the history of aviation in Scottsdale, Arizona, honoring all military veterans, and providing scholarships for Arizona students studying all aspects of aviation.
Steve Ziomek, Chairman and President of TB2, stated, “Kobe is our first Chandler-Gilbert Community College scholarship recipient. Not only does Kobe work full-time in an aircraft repair facility, he is carrying a 3.8 GPA in his field of study, Aircraft Maintenance Technology. His dedication is evident as he also spends part of his free time volunteering at EVIT (East Valley Institute of Technology), where students are building an airplane, and at the COPPERSTATE Fly-In held outside the Phoenix Metropolitan Area each year. Kobe already obtained his Airframe Certificate (from the Federal Aviation Administration), is pursuing his Powerplant Certificate, and aims to work for a commercial airline as an AP mechanic. TB2 is proud to have Kobe join the ranks of Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial scholarship recipients.”
“The Maricopa Community College District has expansive curriculums which include an outstanding aviation program at Chandler-Gilbert Community College,” said Brian Spicker, President and CEO, Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation. “We are excited to participate in the TB2 Aviation Scholarship Program for veterans and non-veterans. My congratulations to Kobe Lomasney for this award and I thank TB2’s Chairman of the Scholarship Committee and the Board of Directors.”

About Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial, Inc.
Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. During World War II, an airfield named Thunderbird Field II was built for the sole purpose of training U.S. Army Air Corps pilots in 1942. Thunderbird Field II graduated over 5,500 men and women pilots of who many saw military action in Europe and the Pacific. The field and school were deactivated on October 16, 1944, sold to Arizona State Teachers College (ASU), then to the Arizona Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and finally to the City of Scottsdale in 1966 and is now known as Scottsdale Airport (KSDL).
The 2021 Aviation Scholarship Program provides scholarships to veteran and non-veteran Arizona resident students who meet specific criteria and are attending Arizona State University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Cochise College, or Pima Community College. TB2 has a permanent memorial at the entrance of the Scottsdale Airport, honoring the service men and women of the nation’s five armed services: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Air Force, as well as POW-MIAs. For more information, please visit www.tbird2.org.